Posted in Classroom Pictures

John Martin Reservoir State Park ~ April 24-27, 2017

So many big, beautiful birds to see.


Tents are all set-up.


Parents hanging out on our first day.


Ben, Scott, and Per helping with dinner.


First dinner crew was the purple group which Davian, Cedric, and Nick were a part of.


Our first full day on our trip, and we went to Bent’s Old Fort National Historic Site.


Walking to Bent’s Fort from the parking lot.


In front of Bent’s Fort.


Our tour begins.


The pseudo Blacksmith became our amazing tour guide.


Alijah became the Blacksmith’s apprentice.


So much history to absorb.


Another shot of Bent’s Fort.


This picture was taken by Cedric Blanco. Bent’s Fort had lots of animals roaming around including this massive bull. We also saw zebras at a farm nearby just hanging out.


Lots of kitties inhabit Bent’s Fort, and they fill their bellies with any mice that unfortunately cross their path.


Looking though a wooden window into the courtyard of Bent’s.


Just chilling eating their grass. Happy bulls! 🙂


More of Bent’s.


Looking towards the entrance of the fort.


Nyssa, Sofia, Rowan, Nick, and others learning about the trading post how exchanges were made.


Landon, Cedric, and Alijah were picked to be a part of this enactment. Our tour guide made our experience authentic.


Learning about how the people in the fort knew when people were coming that weren’t welcomed, and how the people protected themselves from enemies.


Cedric posing for the camera at Bent’s Fort.


Michele (Cedric’s mom) was picked to play a women doctor, and we got to hear her story. Picture taken by Cedric.


Our tour guide showing some of the paintings done by a military person who stayed in this room when Bent’s Fort was active.


The cats just roam about and do their thing.


Learning about how wagon wheels are made.


The dining hall at the fort. Only those that were privileged and invited to sit at these tables were allowed.


The different furs that were sold or traded for other goods.


Lyla, Alijah, Winter, Rowan, Mariella, Nick, Augie, and Cedar learning lots of fun facts about the fort.


Our tour guide relaying important information about the workings of Bent’s Fort.


We broke up into two separate groups.


Peacock perspective picture.


Looks like this peacock took a wrong turn at Albuquerque. Not an animal you would think you would see here.


We are wrapping up our tour of Bent’s Fort.


Group shot of the kids outside of Bent’s Old Fort.


We broke up into different activities that we wanted to do when we got back to camp. This was the photography group.


Mariella, Aija, Milly, and Natasha built a cool wooden structure for their activity.


Lots of people were interested in fishing.


Cedric was very excited to partake in this adventure.


Mauriccio looks like a professional fisherman.


Melissa’s mom Ramona is just taking it all in.


Emeri trying to capture the right shot.


Bryan, Scott, Emme, and Jasmine wanted to enjoy a nature walk for their activity.


Joan, Eric, and Shane also participated in the nature hike.


A tunnel of trees.


William and Emeri using their photographic eyes to take artistic shots of this old incinerator.


A sweet moment captured of a father and daughter fishing. (Sean and Bay)


No fish were caught but the kids still had fun.


A picture of the large dam holding the water in.


I think those are pelicans or maybe storks. Not completely sure. I also think those are either their babies or seagulls.


Cedric captured a picture of one of his friends holding a moth.


All of these activities can sure build up an appetite.


Chow time!


The next day we went to Sand Creek Massacre Site.


Our amazing tour guide! He was a great storyteller. The Cherokee and Arapahoe Indians stories were told and those voices that were taken too soon were heard.


We had an incredible experience with one of the ancestors of the Cherokee tribe who gave us a blessing and shared his praise of us. I was afraid to take a picture of that moment, so I wouldn’t spoil anything.


Cedric posing in a tree.


Some kids practicing their talent for the Untalent Talent Show.


Last minute activities before dinner.


The sun setting on our last evening.


Our hosts for the Untalent Talent Show. Aliya and Jack did a fantastic job!


Ian and a covered up friend doing a skit together.


Poppy, ?, and Jasminewith their performance.


Augie did a skit by himself.


Emeri, Davian, Jeremiah, and Alijah did a skit together about a little girl who didn’t want to listen.


Travis sang, “Rocky Raccoon”.


Nick, Ethan, and Jonah did a skit together.


Emerson, Natasha, Aija, and Jane performing their skit.


Melissa, Olivia, Kaytie, Cosette(?), Nyssa, and Rowan performing their skit.


Brenna, Winter, Lyla, and Eleri did a skit about a classroom.


Olive, Per, Mariella, Sofia, and Milly did a skit about each of their own nightmares on a trip.


Cedric played a curious puppy with lots of questions.


Cedar, Nica, and Nelson performing a skit together.


Bryan…um, I mean Frank Taser, and he will fight for you.


Tent group purple: Cedric, Ian, Nick, and Davian.


Breaking down the tents to load up and go home.


Olivia and Madison hanging out before we leave.


Cedric and his mom, Michele, taking a moment to create a memory.


Group shot.


Another group shot.


Silly group shot.


Circle time to share kudos to each other.


Another angle of the circle.


Another look to the circle.


Loading up, and we are ready to go home. Another great trip to remember as years go by.


Posted in Classroom Pictures

Meet the Rat Brothers: Mario and Luigi

The brothers are getting to know their new home in Kristie’s classroom. They were given their names on Monday, February 27, 2017. The kids voted for Mario and Luigi. Mario has a long brown stripe down his back, and Luigi has a brown spot on his back.

This is Luigi checking everybody out. He also gave Cedric a little love bite, and he is sorry if he scared Cedric. Luigi was just so excited that he couldn’t contain himself.

Another shot of Luigi nibbling on his hands.

Mario trying to make a break for it. 😉

Luigi’s first day in Kristie’s classroom in his new luxury home. No more glass tank for him.

The brother’s first day in the classroom. They were bought on Friday, February 24, 2017 from Petco.

Davian and Cedric wrote the proposal, and their moms: Janet and Michele, helped organize the bake sale to raise the money we needed to buy these two cuties.


Bake Sale: Tuesday and Friday, February 7th and 10th

We raised $255.55! Great job guys!

Tuesday’s Crew

Friday’s Crew